This week has been GREAT!! Aside from this silly cough I have, I feel pretty spiffy! So I guess I won't make you guys wait any longer... I lost 5 pounds this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes 7 pounds since I started my journey! WOOOOOHOOOO and you know what? It has been remarkably easy.
For breakfast I have been having my green smoothie 5 times a week and we have Huevos A la Mexicana from Bobby's twice a week (for those that don't know what Bobby's is, OMG the best Mexican food around!!) Gloria is nice to us and instead of a yummy tortilla she puts it in a to go container. I have my new addiction Almonds for mid-morning snack. Lunch is usually a lean cuisine or weight watchers meal and a salad, or I have also mad myself some pretty fantastic salads, with turkey, sharp cheddar, boiled egg and avocado. Mid-afternoon, I have half a small apple or orange and some cheese or peanut butter. Dinner I eat whatever I fix for the family, but we are making much better choices, I just eat only one serving.
And the water, oh the water. I am a chick that went from maybe and I'm being generous maybe drinking 1 oz a day to 80 something and more ounces a day! Yes me a water-aholic!! That is pretty much all I drink now, who would have thunk it! LOL
I planned on adding some fitness in this week, but I have had the crud and have been coughing my head off. So I plan to add it in this week. So that's it for this week. I will be checking in with fun stuff during the week, but the big posts will be on Sunday's. Have a great week my friends and remember "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!"