Friday, December 28, 2012

Reflecting on 2012

Well we are coming to the end of 2012. This year has been a eventful one that is for sure. And even though I didn't do as well on the weight loss front as I wanted to I still call it a success. I am still down 26-27 pounds. It fluctuates a little, but I have kept it off so I am super happy about that. I drink A LOT more water than I used too. YAY me! I am going to put my family on a new way of eating to start the new year. I have broadened my horizon to include them because I can't do it by myself, and I love them and want them to be healthy so they can stick around. I will blog about the new eating plan later... I still refuse to say the "D" word. Any word that has the word die in it can not be good.

This blog is going to be about reflecting. I have learned a lot about who I am this year. What I want out of life and the people I want in my life. I lost friends (and I use that term loosely) this year. I made new friends, but best of all I reconnected with  for lack of better words estranged friends (and that was totally my fault) and old friends that I had not talked to in years. Had to swallow my pride on a couple of the re-connections, but it was so worth it. Melissa, Brandi and Michelle each bring joy to my life. They love me for me (as most of you do, and I don't blame you LOL), respect my beliefs and encourage me no matter what. And I hope  will be doing the same for them. I have wasted too much of my life not being a good friend and just going along with whatever.

  I have also learned to appreciate health. This year has been so difficult watching my Mom suffer through illness and pain. But we made it through, and we are stronger because of it. It made me appreciate her too. Before when she had issues it was usually surgical and was fixed, she got well and we went on. Not this time, the fall, the pain, the high calcium level. Whoa baby that shiz was not fun at all. I know I had some bad mojo directed  my way (see above paragraph re: lost friends) but my God is much bigger that the crap they sent my way, and with His help, like I said we made it. So put that in your juice box and suck it!

  Fam(ily), a word we often take for granted. But it mean so much. Fam(ily) is much more than relatives, fam(ily) is love, comfort, support, encouragement and so much more. Fam(ily) doesn't have to be blood either. Some of my closest fam(ily) isn't even blood relation. Cherish your fam(ily) people.

Frederico, Freddy, Ha Ha, sweetie, Jr. Alfredo. Funny how many names my hubby goes by :) I cannot begin to tell you how lucky I am this man is in my life. He puts up with so much of my crap, my mood swings, my changing interests, my temper, but enough about me LOL. He is my rock. And this year we will be married for 10 years. I don't feel like the past 10 have been appreciative enough of him. So the new year will be a fresh start on that too.

 Lauren Kay Ann Marie Frazier Miles Leija... that kid could be a movie stars kid with all those names. She is the best thing I have ever done in my entire life. She is not your typical teen, well scratch that 98% of the time she is not your typical teen. She loves her Mommy , Dad and Nana a lot and does not mind telling us (I'm her favorite, shhhhh just don't tell the others). That kid has a big heart, but keeps it guarded most of the time. She is kind, beautiful, smart and giving. Le sigh I just adore her. :)

 My New Beginnings family... I like that, New Beginnings. That is what I got when we all started going to church there. We come in all shapes, sizes and colors, but we are family. I have posted on Facebook many times that ANYONE is welcome there. You may think I am kidding, but you walk through our door and you get greeted with pure, unconditional love. And hugs LOTS and LOTS of hugs. You know I am pretty sure Jesus was a hugger, he just had to be.  I am so grateful of the knowledge I have gained about myself and the Lord, from New Beginnings. I love you guys, yeah you know who you are.

And last but certainly not least, I am thankful for a forgiving God. Who believes in second chances for sinners like me. I am thankful that because He is forgiving, that I have learned to be forgiving too, of the wrong doings of others and most of all the wrong doings of myself.

 Enough reflecting for now, just wanted you to know if you have read this, you are a blessing to me. And I don't mean that lightly. Thank you for being in my life. :)

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