Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The shrinking woman!!

I have a very long way to go but I have got a good start going!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Come on and have a look at how I did this week :)

This week has been GREAT!!  Aside from this silly cough I have, I feel pretty spiffy! So I guess I won't make you guys wait any longer... I lost 5 pounds this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That makes 7 pounds since I started my journey! WOOOOOHOOOO and you know what? It has been remarkably easy.

For breakfast I have been having my green smoothie 5 times a week and we have Huevos A la Mexicana from Bobby's twice a week  (for those that don't know what Bobby's is, OMG the best Mexican food around!!) Gloria is nice to us and instead of a yummy tortilla she puts it in a to go container.  I have my new addiction Almonds for mid-morning snack. Lunch is usually a lean cuisine or weight watchers meal and a salad, or I have also mad myself some pretty fantastic salads, with turkey, sharp cheddar, boiled egg and avocado. Mid-afternoon, I have half a small apple or orange and some cheese or peanut butter.  Dinner I eat whatever I fix for the family, but we are making much better choices, I just eat only one serving.

And the water, oh the water. I am a chick that went from maybe and I'm being generous maybe drinking 1 oz a day to 80 something and more ounces a day! Yes me a water-aholic!! That is pretty much all I drink now, who would have thunk it! LOL

I planned on adding some fitness in this week, but I have had the crud and have been coughing my head off. So I plan to add it in this week. So that's it for this week. I will be checking in with fun stuff during the week, but the big posts will be on Sunday's. Have a great week my friends and remember "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!"

Friday, January 13, 2012


I will be posting my blog once a week on Sunday. Just didn't want you guys to think I flaked out on ya! I have had a great week and so far a really good weight loss. Hope you all check in Sunday and find out how I am doing!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

A little less Mickey!

Drum roll please................................

Buh bye!!!
I lost 2 pounds woooo to the hooooo!!  I was bummed a little at first, but then I though 2 pounds is 2 pounds less, 2 pounds closer to my goal. And 2 pounds I don't have to haul around. Then a friend of my told me slow and steady wins the race ( thanks Allison). So I am gearing up for a new week to kick some more fat butt, with a cute water bottle in hand!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Some days are a struggle :/

I am glad most of the day is over. Today was a bit of a struggle. Got all my water in, just wished a teeny tiny part of it was a Dr. Pepper sigh. Mama said there would be days like this. So instead of crumbling and having a ice cold refreshing Dr. Pepper sigh... I decided to change my snacks up a little, thinking if I distracted my taste buds they wouldn't miss the above mentioned nectar of the Gods. So this afternoon instead of a Kashi granola bar, I had an apple and cheddar cheese. Not A DP but, hey it was pretty dang good. So I managed to make it through the day. Whew :) Looking forward to a busy weekend hope you all have a safe and blessed one :)!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Well folks, I weighed on Sunday. I will share the weight when I reach my goal hehe. I am going to weigh again this weekend. But lo and behold, my fat rolls are smaller, I know sounds silly but I carry them around every day and sure can tell. And sorry Freddy, but my bra is looser haha! 
And my water envy is getting less. I am actually looking forward to drinking it, kind of making a ritual out of it. I start the day with a bottle of water, then about 10 I go to our office kitchen. I get 2 bottles of water out, pour 2 glasses and squeeze half a lime in each. I take each glass plus what is left in the bottle and give one to a fabulous co-worker and take the other to my desk. I have my mid morning snack then (usually unsalted almonds) and have my agua! I do the same minus the lime and sub the a granola bar for the almonds mid afternoon. I have noticed I don't get the mid afternoon tiredness and have not been hungry all week. I am averaging 64 oz of water a day!! Be jealous yes be very jealous with water envy! 
Next week I am adding in exercise!! SO don't be afraid if you feel the ground shake a little LOL! Just kidding gotta have a sense of humor when your nick name used to be Pork Chop...long story, but had nothing to do with my weight! I will be posting before picture soon too. Sure can't wait for the after.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

MMM-MMM good!



Don't let the strange color fool you, these are amazing!! The recipe is on a previous post :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The high price of eating junk.

This past weekend, my husband and a couple of our friends were discussing this life change we are making. And the subject of how expensive it is to eat healthy came up. Well that got me to thinking, is it really that expensive to eat healthier. Yes its cheaper to grab a burger and fries than to get a salad with grilled chicken. But in the long run when you break it down its not, so let me break it down ( I feel like I should be rapping this blog and scratching records hehe).  Eat unhealthy day after day, develop lets say high cholesterol, lab test to check cholesterol... without insurance probably a couple hundred dollars. Have to be put on something for cholesterol without insurance probably about $100.00 maybe more. Even if you have insurance your still going to be paying co-pays and co-insurance. Then heaven forbid your bad food choices have done damage and you have to have an angiogram to check for blockage in your heart. Oh heck we all know that is not going to be cheap... and if there is blockage, either stents or bypass surgery. So that's looking at thousands of dollars. And this is just one of the many, many, many problems that can arise from eating poorly. But hey we saved 2-3 dollars eating that burger and fries!!
So we took our bi-weekly grocery shopping trip to San Angelo yesterday. (86 miles one way) We call it "goin' to town" *with a Texas accent*.  And we did pretty good on the choices we made. We have cut out all types of soda diet or other. Our water intake has been increased 100% (or at least mine has, Freddy has always been pretty good with that). Had the infamous Green Smoothie too this morning, I even shared half the concoction with my co-worker. And I highly recommend it, they taste wonderful, look ehh not so wonderful, unless your a fan of Shrek green! So we are off to a great start, hope you all are too!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Water envy !

Good New Year's evening my friends!! As the day winds down, I have already implemented the start of my changes for a smaller me :) My family and I went out to lunch today, I made a smart choice off the menu, then when my meal came I asked for a to go box. I think I puzzled a few LOL. I put half of my meal in the to go box. Out of sight out of mind. It worked great! Now I have dinner too, for the price of one meal. WOOHOO!

Ok so I named this post water envy. Oh water, you and I have a love/hate  dislike relationship. My body loves you (and needs you), but my taste buds strongly dislike you (I don't like the word hate). And when my hands look like a little 80 year old ladies, because of not enough adequate fluid intake I know for sure my body needs you! I have to admit, there are days that the only water I drink is a cup in the morning with my pills, yeah that's not good. I was once told that if I got cut I would probably bleed Dr. Pepper. And today was no different I  longed to order a Dr. Pepper or a sweet tea, but the words that passed my lips were, "I would like a water, with lemon ". I know a little thing to most, but a big step for me. And the reason I say water envy, is because I am jealous of  you folks that carry your cute little BPA free water bottles and sip and refill during the day. By the end of the this adventure, I will be a water junkie with a cute BPA free water
bottle!! And I have to add the wise words of my little friend Nikolas "Water is good"!!!